Work Linked To Brain Damage

Ok, that is a little misleading, but I found this article to be very interesting. What really caught my eye was the list of jobs in which the workers are not necessarily exposed to chemicals or easily identified carcinogenics.

Range of jobs tied to degenerative brain disease

"NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A wide range of occupations, from farming to teaching, may be potential risk factors for degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, research findings suggest.

In a study of more than 2.6 million U.S. death records, researchers found that a variety of jobs were associated with an increased risk of death from several forms of brain degeneration, namely Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, early-onset dementia and motor neuron disease.

Many of the associations had been seen in earlier research and could potentially be explained by on-the-job exposures to the chemicals that farmers, welders and hairdressers routinely use or inhale.

Other findings, however, such as the elevated disease risks among teachers, clergy and bank tellers, are not easily explained, according to the researchers, led by Robert M. Park of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Studies such as this, where death certificates are used to find associations between occupation and disease risk, have their limits. For one, death records are a less-than-ideal measure of a person's work history, Park told Reuters Health.

"At best," he noted, such research can tease out general patterns that can then be studied further.

In their analysis, Park and his colleagues found that the bank tellers, clergy, aircraft mechanics and hairdressers had highest odds of dying from Alzheimer's disease. For Parkinson's disease, the highest risks were among biological scientists, teachers, clergy members and other religious workers.

The risk of death from presenile dementia -- a form of dementia that arises before the age of 65 -- was greatest among dentists, graders and sorters in industries other than agriculture and, again, clergy.

Veterinarians, hairdressers and graders and sorters had the highest risks of dying from motor neuron disease, the most common form of which is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease -- an invariably fatal degeneration of the central nervous system that causes muscle wasting and paralysis.

The findings, based on death records from 22 states for the years 1992 to 1998, are published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine."


Jack Steiner said...

Hi Cindra,

I hadn't considered the chalk or asbestos, but that does make sense to me as a potential source of problems.

Stacey said...

Fascinating, esp. about the elevated disease risks among clergy and bank tellers. Hmmm.

Jack Steiner said...

I am very interested in following this to see what kind of connection they find.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .