Sports No One Cares About

I just saw an article that said that the US was kicked out of a cricket tournament and it got me thinking about whether anyone really cares.

I mean you can call this a little provincial, narcissistic or what have you, but how many people in the US really care about cricket and of those people how many are native born. That is not to suggest that there is anything wrong with immigrants, there is not. But certainly few natives find the sport intriguing. Maybe it is just a question of exposure or lack there of.

Now if you live in Los Angeles and are interested in seeing cricket you could go to Woodley Park and watch it there.

A couple of other sports that are not that big in the US are soccer and hockey. Sure, there are a lot of diehard fans but in the grand scheme of things few people care. When hockey went on strike most people didn't notice and as for soccer, well check your TV listings and see how often you can find it on any station, let alone one of the networks.


Elie said...

I'm sure people will disagree with you about hockey but I think you're right. There would have been much more of a uproar here if the baseball, football, or basketball season has been cancelled. Conversely, I was in Canada on business in early March, and the banner headline in the sports section of the paper was about the hockey negotiations. And this was a couple of weeks after the season was already cancelled!

Bill said...

I concur (on Cricket). Even though Canadians play more cricket than Americans; besides the games that you see at the Governor Generals grounds, there isn't much of a cricket following here either.

But I must admit to watching Cricket occasionally. Like any sport if you have the time to follow it the sport becomes interesting.

I prefer baseball. Baseball is Cricket made interesting !

As for Hockey I know a lot of my friends from the Northeastern US where very pissed over the strike. Strange as it seems more Northeastern American children play hockey than Baseball.

Air Time said...

I know i am late checking in here, but...last night I was on the phone with customer service, who was clearly not American, and while I was waiting for my wife to get some information from a file, I started to ask the guy about cricket. Not that I cared, just wanted to see what he thought, and he started telling me all about the game.

Thank god my wife showed up a minute later with the info I needed.

Jack Steiner said...

Those cricket fans are pretty hard core.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .