Some Music Brings Tears to My Eyes


PsychoToddler said...

Me too.

Unknown said...

Some music makes me happy, some makes me angry and some music makes me cry. Music is powerful.

torontopearl said...

wow, jack... say so much when you say so little.

play "schindler's list" music and see if you don't use a couple of tissues...

Anonymous said...

Music is emotion - loving your blog
Laura - London England

Jack Steiner said...

Yes, music is emotion.

PsychoToddler said...

OK come clean Jack, was there supposed to be some text in this post?

Jack Steiner said...

Nope, no text in this one. But the others are a different story. Blogger will not allow me to upload any text in the body of the post, just headlines. Not sure why.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .