One More Post- A Good Hug

I have been told that I give incredible hugs. Not that it matters. ;) A good hug can make your day.


Stacey said...

Alright, I'm ready. ;)

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Aaron,

You can do your own recruiting for hugs on your blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack,

Where is your picture? How do I know if you are worth hugging if I cannot see you.

Jack Steiner said...

On its way.

Maddie said...

True. You know what ruins my day, or at least my first impression of someone new...a weak handshake. I hate a sloppy handshake.

Maddie said...

Can you tell who needs a hug from the previous, bitchy comment? (Sorry about that.)

Jack Steiner said...

We can and will fix all problems. Ok, we can't fix them but we can make them better.

All it takes is a good hug and a little love.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .