Martha Stewart- Moron or cocky

I just don't feel badly about any of this. She got caught breaking the law and is forced to spend time in a home that is large enough to house 876 people. It is a good thing.

Apparently, Martha Stewart just couldn't resist the call of a yoga class.

The design guru, who was slated to take off her ankle bracelet for good next week, violated the terms of her sentence by attending a yoga studio near her estate, according to reports.

Stewart must now serve an additional three weeks of home confinement as a result of attempting to dupe authorities.

"Martha Stewart has agreed to an extension of the terms of her home confinement until Aug. 31.," her lawyer, Walter Dellinger, said in a statement released Wednesday."

She is not stupid, why would she risk additional time.

"The domestic diva has long had issues with the pesky anklet that tracks her every move. "I am not allowed to take it off at any time, and I am not allowed, while in my home, to have any padding under the strap," she said during a recent Internet chat to fans. "I hope none of you ever has to wear one."

In April, a judge rejected her bid to shake the device early.

"Home detention is imposed as an alternative to imprisonment. It is designed to be confining," Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum wrote in a three-page ruling three months ago. "I see no reason to modify the sentence."
Boo hoo.


Stacey said...

Martha is a moron. This is how she got into her predicament in the first place -- she thinks rules don't apply to her.

Anonymous said...

It's not all her fault. It's amazing how much leeway the courts give the rich and powerful over the average shlub who gets in trouble with the law.

Jack Steiner said...


That is funny.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .