Don't Hate Me Because I Live In California

I know that some of you are quite jealous. You wish that you had all of the benefits and advantages of living in the Golden State. I could provide chapter and verse on this fine land of mine but instead I think that I'll grab a few photos and show you what life looks like here.

And believe me this is just a small sample.


Air Time said...

Where was the picture of the earthquake?

bornfool said...

California is indeed beautiful, as your pictures attest. I might have said it before, but I lived in San Diego for a short time and I really miss it.

Anonymous said...

Karen and I have been talking about visitng, what's the name of the park where half-dome is? Anyway that place--for about, hmmmm, 22 years.

Jack Steiner said...

We have earthquakes here on a regular basis as does the entire world. Now if you are talking about major earthquakes in which people are killed you can find a relatively short list.

Here is one that is incomplete:

Northridge- 1994
Santa Cruz 1989

Others that caused a fair amount of damage include Sylmar in 1971, Landers in 1990.

Jack Steiner said...


Yosemite is beautiful, just amazing.

Michael said...

Some gorgeous pictures.

So where are the stories to go with them?

Take Care

Anshel's Wife said...

I spent my summers at camp near Yosemite. That is where I left my heart.

Stacey said...

I am definitely not jealous. I love 4 full seasons and a reasonable cost of living and would move back to the midwest in a New York minute.

Lone Ranger said...

I ran screaming from CA 11 years ago. It took two years to get the tax bureau off my back. Just walking into a grocery story in southern California is like walking into the Star Wars bar. Southern Californians don't know how freakish they've become. The only thing I miss is In-N-Out Burger.

torontopearl said...

Perfectly fine -- and beautiful -- pics, save for the highway traffic one. Where's the photo of the snarled traffic I sat in somewhere in L.A. close to Santa Monica beach?

I think that whether we live in the Valley, Cleveland, Detroit, or Toronto, we need not necessarily look beyond our own backyards. Sure, sometimes it appears greener on the other side of the fence, but then again, it's always nicer to come home again, isn't it? You to traffic, earthquakes and forest fires, Air Time to his Pistons, Stacey to her Cleveland rock'n'roll roots and me to the Blue Jays, Toronto Maple Leafs and C.N. Tower.

PsychoToddler said...

Wisconsin is pretty boring.

But occasionally we get visits from the weinermobile and spammobile so I guess that helps.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Lejend,

San Diego is really nice.

Lone Ranger,

A man who runs around wearing a mask calls us strange. Hmm..., pot this is the kettle, you are black. P.S. If it took you two years to get the IRS off your back it sounds like there may be some issues there. ;)


Toronto is a nice city and I would take it over large swaths of the midwest. Although I must admit I like Chicago.


There is nothing like a good wiener to make your day.

Unknown said...

No pics of the 405 at rush hour?

Jack Steiner said...


That is the 405, but sadly not during rush hour.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .