Dennis Wolfberg Clip

He was one of my favorite comics. Later we can debate whether I should have said comedian instead of comic.


PsychoToddler said...

I always liked him. He was good on Quantum Leap, too.

Jack Steiner said...

Quantum Leap was a good show.

cruisin-mom said...

Wow, Jack, I'm amazed somebody remembers of the funniest live performances I've seen...what made you think about him?

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Randi,

I saw him perform live at Igbys twice. I am not sure if Igbys is still around, it used to be located off of Pico.

He put on a good show. He died a while ago, so it probably has been more than 10 years since I saw his last show.

Anonymous said...

I'd seen him on A&E's An Evening at the Improv. I can't remember a time I laughed so hard.

As happenstance would have it I found myself in San Fran on business and Dennis was doing a show at Cob's Comedy Club - I decided to go.

After his act I immediately left the club and climbed the stairs up to the street. As I rounded the corner to walk across the front of Cob's and back to my car Dennis emerged with his bags in tow to meet a waiting taxi. There was just the three of us.

There I stood, face to profile with Dennis Wolfberg as a taxi driver loaded his bags. I couldn't help myself, and in a moment of unabashed worship I blurted, "Hell of a show Dennis."

His face adopted a devilish smile as he replied, "Why, thank you. Thank you very much."

His playful persona was contagious; I continued the conversation with a playful retort. "You know, Dennis, I left my wife, left my kids, quit my job and left Canada just to come to see you."

Dennis placed his hands on his hips, bulged his eyes, wiggled his tongue then expelled air from his balloonish cheeks to reply, "So, what we have here is a SNOW-BACK STALKER!!" We exploded into a volcanic erruption of laughter.

We were both laughing so hard that we doubled over with our hands resting on our knees for support.

The trunk of the cab slambed then Dennis, still laughing, stepped into the car and drove off.

God, he was funny - funniest man I've ever seen.

I hope you enjoyed this slice of life.

Unknown said...

I still miss Dennis to this day. Luckily, someone has posted about 25 minutes of his HBO special "One Night Stand" on YouTube. Here are the links.

(There is about a 1 minute carryover from the first part.)

(The routines about Fiber One and the rigid sigmoidoscopy are classic.)

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Stu,

Thanks, that was great.

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 I am still here even if I publish at a snail's pace. I am still here even if these posts aren't quite as random as they once were. ...