Abbas- Terrorism Works

I am so very disappointed in what Abbas has been saying and how the media has covered it. My disappointment stems from his praise and support of terror and the lack of response by the media to that.

I am also disappointed because I am not surprised to see this.

The BBC covered it like this:

"Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has described his people's delight at the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza this week.

He told a cheering, flag-waving crowd in Gaza that they were experiencing "historic days of joy" - but he warned them great challenges still lay ahead.

Mr Abbas said he hoped Israel's exit from Gaza was a precursor to a pullout from the West Bank and Jerusalem. "
The Globe and Mail:
"Rafah, Gaza Strip — Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said Friday that Israel's Gaza pullout resulted from Palestinian “sacrifices” and “patience.”

Mr. Abbas also promised to rebuild houses in Gaza destroyed by Israel. He made his comments before thousands of cheering Palestinians at Gaza's closed airport.

“This pullout is a result of our sacrifice, of our patience, the sacrifice of our people, the steadfastness, and the wise people of our nation,” he told the crowd."

The Guardian:

"RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said Friday that Israel's pullout from"
Gaza resulted from Palestinian ``sacrifices'' and ``patience,''
Khaleej Times

"RAFAH, Gaza Strip - Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas on Friday hailed Israel’s historic Gaza withdrawal as the result of Palestinian sacrifice, as Israeli forces moved out some of the last remaining Jewish settlers.

With the vast majority of the 21 Jewish settlements in Gaza evacuated, Abbas told a crowd of jubilant supporters that the ending of 38 years of Israeli occupation in the tiny territory was “the fruit of Palestinian sacrifice”.

“We want on this occasion to pay homage to our martyrs, to our prisoners, to our wounded and all those among our people who have made sacrifices,” he said.

The Palestinian leader reiterated calls for his people to bolster the case for independence by refraining from violence, pledging that there would be further pullbacks from the far larger West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem.

“The most important thing is how to build our country so that it will become a model of civilisation for the rest of the world,” he said.

“This step is only the first step that will be completed in Jenin and in the West Bank and in Jerusalem, God willing,” added the Palestinian leader, reiterating his refrain that Israel make additional pullbacks."

The message I think that was sent is that terrorism works. However, I suspect that after what we have seen it will be more difficult to execute more withdrawals and furthermore this will steel the resolve of many to put up with more terrorism if necessary to hold onto our land.

There are some lines that will not be crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem that bad, its just a political campaign speech.

I mean Sharon campaigned AGAINST disengagement and look what he did!

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .