Redneck Games Celebrate 10th Anniversary

Just in case the Shmata Queen missed this little ditty.

"EAST DUBLIN, Ga. - In his garage, Melvin Davis keeps 230 trophies he's won racing motorcycles, go-karts and pickup trucks. But he's best known for a sport that earned him four trophies topped with crushed Bud Lite cans.

"Yeah, looking back on it I'm proud. But when I done it I felt a little silly," said Davis, 68. "People were going, `There's the bobbing-for-pigs-feet champion!'"

Bobbing for pig feet, the mudpit belly-flop, the armpit serenade — they're all part of the Redneck Games, a series of good ole'ympic events for the ain't-so-athletic celebrating their 10th year in middle Georgia.

Started as a Southern-fried spoof of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, with a propane torch lighting a ceremonial barbecue grill, the gag games draw tourists like moths to a backyard bug-zapper.

Organizers estimate 95,000 attended the July event during its first decade in East Dublin, a rural pit stop of 2,500 residents between Macon and Savannah.

What started as a gathering of about 500 during the 1996 Olympics ballooned to 10,000 by 2001 and reached an estimated 15,000 last year. More are expected when the 10th Annual Redneck Games are held next Saturday."

Coming soon, the Culture Comes to Cleveland carnival. ;)


Jack Steiner said...

Who is closer to those games,Texas or LA. I wonder who needs help.

Stacey said...

No need to wonder -- it is so obviously the monkey among us.

Jack Steiner said...

Good to see that you admit to it, that is the first step in getting help.

Stacey said...

I was talking about you, Bubbles.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .