I Tell My Children I love You Repeatedly

It is a slow day at the office as many people are still on vacation so I have a little more time to post. I just finished reading about a horrific tragedy on another blog and have to say that it is hard not to be stunned by it.

I don't want to be overly ghoulish in linking to it, so I just want to share a few thoughts based upon my own experience.

Last year when my father suddenly took ill and they thought he was going to die was very rough for many reasons. Among the many was that my last real conversation with him had been about trash. I hated the idea that this might be the last thing that he and I spoke about because it was lacking in so many areas.

One thing that I do frequently and repeatedly is tell my children that I love them. I say it constantly because I want it to be imprinted on their brains. It is not a question, it is a statement and I want them to never forget it.


angela marie said...

You cannot go wrong by telling your children that you love them over and over.

You can disciple incorrectly, or feed them too many nitrite-laden hotdogs, or let them overhear you swear, but you are ALWAYS right when saying 'I love you, Stinky'. Well, you don't have to add the 'Stinky', but I like to. ;)

S A J Shirazi said...

Yes, these random thought do have meaning.

Jack Steiner said...

It just feels good to tell them.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .