This Just Irks Me

It feels like everyday I read another story about identity theft:

Citigroup says UPS loses data

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:C - news), the world's largest bank, on Monday said account and payment history data on 3.9 million of its customers were lost in transit by United Parcel Service Inc. (NYSE:UPS - news).

The disappearance is the latest in a series of data breaches involving U.S. banks, including No. 2 Bank of America Corp. (NYSE:BAC - news).

New York-based Citigroup said the data were stored on computer tapes, and lost while UPS, the world's biggest package carrier, was shipping them to an Experian credit bureau in Texas."

Hacked, phished or otherwise acquired it doesn't matter. I am sick of worrying about my identity being stolen. I am moving to a cave and becoming a hermit.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Wonderful. My Citibank is the only credit card I use.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .