One of My Favorite "Random Comments" From Around the Web

I am going to pick on Psycho Toddler for a moment. I enjoy reading his blog for all sorts of reasons. One of the things I like about it is that there are these comments that I envision being made in sort of dry, deadpan fashion. I like droll humor and this seems to hit the mark sometimes.

In this post here he delivers one of my favorites:

"After that we had a conversation where I couldn't remember which one of my kids I delivered. My wife said Daughter2, but I thought it was Son3."
Now I should add two things first that he is a doctor and secondly I think that he is a genuinely good guy so when I say that I am picking on him I am not picking on him.

But I do find it kind of funny that he doesn't remember which child he delivered, but at the same time there is something kind of cool about that. I can't put my finger on the word that I want to use to describe it.


treppenwitz said...

"I can't put my finger on the word that I want to use to describe it."

I think you were going for 'je ne sais quoi" :-)

PsychoToddler said...

Sad. The word is Sad.

Jack Steiner said...

Ya, what they said, or maybe not.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .