Women & Shoes- What is the Deal

Folks I grew up with sisters galore not to mention a mother, grandmothers, cousins as well as women I like to call friends. The circle of estrogen around me has only grown as I have been married for many years and in spite of the wisdom that comes with age, I am still puzzled by females and their need for shoes.

I understand the desire to have shoes that match various outfits, but at some point the need for multiple pairs of black pumps needs to be measured against the reality of closet space, actual utility of said shoe and financial wherewithal to purchase overpriced leather.

In short it quickly becomes apparent that this is a commodity item that really is not a need, but a want. Wants are not as important as needs, such as the need for a new Plasma TV which can be used and enjoyed by the entire family. And certainly you can appreciate the need to build more opportunity to bond with family as opposed to satisfying the want to clothe your feet in overpriced leather.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .