Trapped In The Stall- Embarrassing Moments

"Embarrassing Moments
Are Part And Parcel of Life. Sometimes you really do have to grin and bear it. Most of the time I am good at it, but sometimes I just miss the mark."

Embarrassing Moments
Are Part And Parcel of Life. Sometimes you really do have to grin and bear it. Most of the time I am good at it, but sometimes I just miss the mark. For those of you who are squeamish or not interested in potty humor I suggest that you move along.

Yesterday something I ate chose to attack me in a most uncomfortable manner. I don't know what it was, I have tried to identify the culprit so that I could bring him/her/it to justice or at least expel the offender from my domain, but thus far I have had little to no success.

As you have already begun to imagine a little gastric distress in the wrong place can be a bit problematic. It is the kind of thing that although people can relate to, it is not unusual for them to handle it as if they were a young child.

Yesterday's initial attack caught me by surprise. The insurgents cleverly began their attack while I was in my office, but it was so minor that I dismissed it out of hand. Gradually the assault increased in its intensity, but it wasn't until I was stuck in traffic that they launched their D-Day upon me.

My troops valiantly battled to find a clear path through traffic to a place of refuge where we could regroup and assess the situation. We managed to reach a local Office Depot and breathlessly ran through the store with the hounds of hell baying at our feet.

We were ever so happy to enter the restroom and find an unoccupied stall, an oasis which we could use to rest and relax. Little did we know that the insurgency was so jacked up they were willing to lay siege to my refuge for an extended period of time.

It was during this time that they changed tactics and tried to shame me. A man walked into the restroom and immediately upon entering began to cough and complain about the air quality. He was followed by a second man who agreed with his observation and instead of fleeing the area they sojourned (love that term) there for an extended period of time leaving me trapped within.

Of course I could have waltzed out while they dilly-dallyed within and on many other occasions I have, but not this time. This time I had expended so much energy fighting the insurgents that I was mentally worn and so I waited until they left before I was able to exit my temporary rabbit hole.

I was red faced and tired, but not humiliated. In the end I won, but the cost of the battle remains with me today, a dull ache serves to remind me of the difficult situation I faced.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .