The Collaspse of the Internet Is Imminent

The Collaspse of the Internet Is Imminent at least if you buy into the arguments made by Professor Hannu H. Kari of the Helsinki University of Technology. As cited in this article he said:

"The reason for this will be that proper users' dissatisfaction will have reached such heights by then that some other system will be needed,"

Kari said, "unless the Internet is improved and made reliable."

Last fall, Kari bolstered his prophecy with statistics. Extrapolating from the growth rates of viruses, worms, spam, phishing and spyware, he concluded that these, combined with "bad people who want to create chaos," would cause the Internet to "collapse!"—and he stuck to 2006 as the likely time."
But if some people have their way they'll blame Bush for the collapse and the chaos that follows. ;)

In all seriousness, I don't buy this argument at all. The Internet has become far too pervasive and intrenched in our lives for it to collapse and disappear. What is far more likely to happen is a movement similar to that discussed in the article where there is a tremendous push to restructure and reformat how things operate.

I don't have time now to go into a long Fisking of this, but I did want to offer it for your consumption. Happy Purim.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .