Pluto is 75- No, Not the Dog

And the reality is that Pluto is more than 75 years old. Check this out:

"Pluto was discovered 75 years ago this week, and astronomers still don't know what to make of the small, frigid world.

They aren't sure exactly what Pluto's made of, how it formed, or why it orbits so oddly compared to the other eight planets. The intriguing questions extend outward. Pluto might have other moons that haven't been found yet. Out beyond Pluto, it's possible a 10th planet -- as big or larger than Pluto -- awaits discovery.

"Do other Plutos remain to be discovered, or is it one-of-a-kind?" wonders Will Grundy, an associate astronomer at the Lowell Observatory, from where Pluto was found.

Meanwhile, scientists can't even agree if Pluto is really a planet."

For the full story you can click here.


NovemberChild said...
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NovemberChild said...

Wow! That blows my mind. That means when my great-grandmother was in school there were only 8 planets. How did they memorize the planets? The mnemonic that we learned in school certainly would not work.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .