Love In An Elevator

Sorry to use a song a lyric for a title, but it was fitting. Here is the meat of the article.

"According to a survey of employees released last week by career publisher Vault, office romance is more common than you might guess. Some 58 percent of respondents said they have been involved with a coworker and 22 percent of respondents said they met their spouse or significant other at work."

According to Vault, 23 percent of respondents admitted to "trysts" in their offices, the restroom, conference room, stairwell, elevator, and even the boss' office. "

I have a few stories of my own that I may share just to please my favorite reader, than again maybe I'll make some up because they are so much more fun to read. ;)


torontopearl said...

I LOVE to hear about office romances...that end up in marriage. My brother met his wife at work, and several people at my company met their "better half" while on the job...and yes, both spouses continue to work here. As I work for the world's largest romance publisher, I figure that there's GOT TO BE something in the water here, because if ain't marriage that's happening, it's babies. Either the water is doing it, or people here are reading our books and learning something!

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it.

Where I work, 4 couples got married.

We just blamed it on the water.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

One summer I worked in NY for this man who just needed an assistant. So it was just him and I in the office and often he was out of the country on business. Well I didn't married my coworker, but I met my boyfriend when when he came on a sales call for my boss. As he was leaving we started to talk and he asked me out. Our first date was lunch and then we return back to my office, where we got quite friendly in full view of many New York onlookers from the surrounding skyscrapers. We had no idea we were on show, until I glanced out the window and saw all these people in various windows in the building across the street looking in our direction. But heck, it's NY, we just continue to have our fun.

Jack Steiner said...


Elevators do have their ups and downs.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .