Hunter Thompson

I received a couple of notes from friends and colleagues asking for my thoughts on his suicide. I don't have much to say, I have read some of his stuff, an autobiography and in short never got into him.

He always came across as being half-baked and nuts to me. In short crazy men with guns don't excite me. It is too bad that he killed himself, but I cannot say that I was moved one way or another by his death as his life didn't impact my own.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I couldn't think of a nicer way to phrase it. One of the obituaries published about him caught my eye:

"Recently, Thompson was a columnist for Walt Disney’s In a February 2003 interview with Salon, Thompson said America suffered a nationwide nervous breakdown after the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks that resulted in disastrous restrictions of civil liberties."
Leading US writer kills himself

Two things strike me about that excerpt. First, I am confused about the restriction of civil liberties bit, I like specifics and not generalities. What are they talking about here.

Secondly, leading US writer, well maybe 35 years ago, but now I am not so sure. Not that my opinion matters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thompson was a master of his craft. He had a style that was all his own. I found his work to be extremely entertaining Somewhere in my pile of CD's I have a Q&A session that he held at some university or another. Listening to him speak it is apparent (to me) that he had a sharp mind and a good grasp of politics. I for one will miss his writing style and the myths that sprang up around him.
His death was tragic but not surprising.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .