Valentines Day- It is a Fake Holiday

I just finished speaking with a woman in my office about Valentine's Day. She wanted to know my position on it. Here it is: it is a fake holiday created by Hallmark and other greeting card manufacturers that is guaranteed to cause fights, ill will and will inevitably lead to a break up and or encourage suicide.

As such it should be banished from the lexicon, doomed to spend eternity as some forgotten holiday that is not of use to anyone, anymore.


melinama said...

For people with Seasonal Affective Disorder, Valentine's Day comes at about the nadir of the year. The discouragement of all the accumulated dark days has registered and the sun hasn't kicked in yet, and, of course, the weather sucks. I think it's a good day for fasting and solitary contemplation.

Jack Steiner said...

I don't have S.A.D., but I really do prefer the sunshine. It just makes me feel better.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .