Blogging for Attention

A dear friend of mine accused me of blogging for attention. Now because I am a fair man I won't point out that they also have a blog, so maybe we both want attention.

The reality is that if you establish a blog you are offering yourself to the world, just ask Pandora. You cannot expect to engage in blogging without gaining a little attention from somewhere.

Now the reality is that I blog in part because I do want the attention. I enjoy the positive feedback, so if I am guilty of enjoying being stroked, so be it. I accept it and it doesn't bother me.

I still blog because I want to, because this is still the arena in which I air out my thoughts about myself and my place in the world. It is where I have already learned so many things about myself and met some amazing people. There are some incredible blogs out there written by people who fascinate me and some that are junk.

But isn't that life, some people/things are interesting and others are just dreadfully boring.

Just added more songs to iTunes from my pre-existing collection:

Against the Wind, Like a Rock, Old Time Rock and Roll, Hollywood Nights and We've got Tonight by Bob Seeger.

And for what it is worth, I did sing along to Old Time Rock And Roll, sans Ray-Bans and underwear. ;)


shadowbox said...

Show we a blogger who says they don't blog for the occasional comment and I'll show you someone who is denying the obvious.

Keep on keeping on, friend. I'm forever blown away by how often you blog *and* that it's all enjoyable to read.

Jack Steiner said...

There is a reason my family referred to me as Motor Mouth as a little boy. I have a lot to say, but I am not so sure that all that much of it is that exciting or interesting.

Hokule'a Kealoha said...

So Jack dont we all need a bit of attention?? I think its a universal human need...

I would have done the same thing your son did when that brat squished the cupcake. Kiss him for me, he's a great kid!

Anonymous said...

... some of us just comment to get blogrolled :)

In all seriousness, I've thought a lot about why I blog. And, yes, a measure of it is for some measure of attention.

But, mostly, it's about getting thoughts out of my head and depositied some place where they can be revisited later. Sharing and being read is just a small piece of it.


Jack Steiner said...

But, mostly, it's about getting thoughts out of my head and depositied some place where they can be revisited later. That is so true.

foxymama said...

Yes it's nice to connect with another human being once in awhile (assuming most bloggers are human beings...sometimes it's hard to tell) and I think it's a basic human need to want to be noticed by another. It's also nice to be able to tell some old stories to new ears and gain a different perspective through another's comments. There's a certain sense of community here in Blogland which knows no borders or biases. Who among us is healthy enough to "roll on through" without a stroke from time to time?

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .