Sri Lanka- Why Would They Refuse Aid

I am just amazed and astounded that at such a time as this the Sri Lankans would refuse any sort of offer of assistance.

If ever there is a time to set aside politics and just work on saving lives now is the time.


Soferet said...

Yeah, it's unbelieveable. It only serves to extend the tragedy. They're preventing their suffering citizens from receiving every possible aid & preventing Jews from doing mitzvot.
A friend of mine from UVic was a Sri Lankan Jew. His mother was Jewish, his father Catholic. His father's family tried to stop their marriage & then disowned him when they failed.
It's heart breaking.

Unknown said...

It is hard to tell from the article but it looks as if the are specifically rejecting the “military” portions of Aid. It might be a bad decision on their part but, It does not seem all that odd to me. I think it is pride that is getting in the way.

Unknown said...

The government in Sri Lanka does not have much control of the country. Some of the areas that were hit hard are areas controlled by the Tamil-rebels This fact may result in their unwillingness to get to much help.

Jack Steiner said...

At a time like this, with the number of dead in the thousands and climbing it is hard to come up with any sort of reason that makes sense to me.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .