More about the Test

I can be very impulsive and when I set up the Typepad account tonight it was really just my reacting to an impulse to try and improve my blogging experience. I have been frustrated with Blogger and want to improve my blog in several areas.

  1. I am not satisfied with the design and layout of this blog. It is a little choppy and kind of rough.
  2. I am relatively prolific. I can bang out multiple posts throughout the day without much effort and I don't want to change that.
  3. My ability to pump those out can make it difficult for the readers to follow along and comment.
  4. It is a complete contradiction because I really do write for me, but I'd be pulling your leg if I did not admit to wanting more readers and more interaction.
  5. Theoretically there are things that I can do to this blog, the free blogger blog that will solve some of my problems.
  6. I don't like change, I just don't, it is hard for me so even something as simple as this can be irritating.
  7. Sometimes I enjoy creating lists like this for no other reason than because.
To sum it up, I am not sure if I have spent enough time working on the challenges this blog presents. It could be that I can solve my problems and not have to spend any money. Or maybe not.

In the end I suspect that I am going to tell Typepad that I don't want to spend $8.95 a month for their service, but maybe I won't.


Stacey said...

I'd stay here. I don't think the look of Typepad is that much better than this. Frankly, I like the looks of this one better. I think it looks cleaner and less busy.

Unknown said...

$8.95 a month? I would rather stay with blogger.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .