Chanukah is about to end

The end is approaching and I am sad. Not real sad, but just kind of bleah. It feels like the end of Summer to me, school is just around the corner and reality intrudes.

I feel like this every year, it is kind of bittersweet. I am glad that it is not year round, but as hokey as it sounds I wouldn't appreciate it as much. But I have enjoyed watching my son open his presents. I think that he almost enjoys that more than playing with the new toys.

We donated some toys again this year. I was so proud to hear him tell his mother that he wanted to help the children that don't have "much stuff" to play with.

He on the other hand has too much stuff to play with, but that is a different story altogether.


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy when Chanukah falls out way before x-mas like this year. Today, I could be feeling depressed that it is over, but instead I watch all the commercials about gifts and holiday products and I think to myself, "wahoo, I'm done!".


Anonymous said...

I was sad with the end of Chanukah this year, too.

My little boy had so much fun opening his gifts and -- being just shy of 3 -- this is the first year that he exhibited any sense of anticipation.

Most of the gifts from my wife and I were "small" this year because of our newly reduced income. But, he got so much joy. I attribute it to more thought going into the gifts.

Last night, we drove past a local reform temple that has a large menorah outside on the lawn in front. The right most candle was flickering out and the shamus was right behind it. It reminded me of a picture I took last year as the last candle turned to a wisp of smoke on the last night.

There's just something that's sad -- a poigniant sad, not a depressing one -- about the end of the holiday.


Still Good

 I need to revisit this .