"BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Brace yourself. There may be a less-than-miraculous explanation for that image of the Virgin Mary a Florida woman says appeared in her grilled cheese sandwich.
Professional skeptic Joe Nickell says it's the same phenomenon that lets people see ships in the clouds, butterflies in ink blots and the man on the moon. "
I apologize if some people find this offensive, but c'mon. If I was eating macaroni and cheese and suddenly saw an image of Moses waving at me I would probably wave back at him.
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." — Groucho Marx
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Still Good
I need to revisit this .
If you want to see how thoughts, ideas and impressions can be manipulated by the media take a few minutes to watch Pallywood .
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She is pregnant with her 18th child . Yes ladies and gentlemen, the Duggars are back. We first encountered The Duggar Family in the followin...
I saw that story too and thought it was hilarious. I'll never look at a piece of toast the same way again!
How does one become a "Professional skeptic"?
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