Improve yourself, always

13. Hillel used to say: He who aggrandizes his name, loses his name. He who does not increase his knowledge, decreases it. He who learns not, forfeits his life. He who makes unworthy use of the crown (of the Torah) shall pass away.

I should be sleeping, but I am not quite rested yet. My brain works at a rapid clip and turning it off when I am processing things is a bit of a task. Something that people speak about is personal growth.

All too often we pay lip service to this and spend little time considering what this means and what is necessary to affect change.

At the moment I am not interested in lecturing about why you should improve yourself. Only a fool sees themself as a finished product that needs no polish.

Here are three areas that I am working on:

1) My diet- I need to work on my health. I am not unhealthy, my doctor has given me good marks, but I am at a place in which I can see the future. And the future I see has a few age related issues. I need to drop a few pounds and work on tightening the screws so that I can continue to do the physical activities I engage in now without any restrictions.

2) Finish strong- In some areas I take shortcuts. I need to work on finishing with as much force and effort as I put into it.

3) Education- This is a constant. I never want to stop learning, there is so much to know and not enough time to learn. My children humble me with the vast amounts of information they process. When do we lose this skill. When do we lose the ability to work through it so quickly.

There are other things that I can work on, but this is it for now. I am an intense person. I feel a little strange typing it, but it is true. I have been described by many who know me as having an intensity that can suck the life right out of you.

Not much of a compliment, but it is part of who I am. And in the end I define myself, it is for me to do so and no one else.

More on this in my final post of the evening.


Anonymous said...

Hey! If you go on a diet, who's gonna keep me safe from junk food???


Stacey said...

I liken myself to a work-in-progress. There is always room for improvement and ways to better ourselves.

Jack Steiner said...

Hey! If you go on a diet, who's gonna keep me safe from junk food???Trep,

Have no fear, played two hours of basketball yesterday and I'll put in close to the same today. All that exercise will allow me to continue to protect you from those nasty donuts. ;) I can start my own diet a different day, maybe next Tuesday or the following Tuesday.

If I exercise enough I can postpone it indefinitely. There is always a way.

Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

Heya Jack,

There's book I have that is inspiring a new blog I think. It is called "The Book of Self Aquaintance". If you might be interested in participation in this little project let me know. I would be happy share the details.

Love and Light

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Robyn,

Thank you for the offer, I am going to think about it. I don't want to commit unless I can give it the attention it deserves.

Jack Steiner said...


All that exercise is just so good for you. I always notice when I haven't been doing it.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .