this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...


Do you do any radio or television work? You sound really familiar.

Lioness said...

Blow me, this is so bizarre! I'm sitting in my living-room in Portugal listening to your voice - what are the odds??? I LOVE the internet! (You're also my hero because I very much want to be a nerd but i wouldn't know how to start audioblogging!) You'll be happy to know my cats were also very intrigued and were sniffing the laptop as you talked. (Was that a Californian accent?)

Jack Steiner said...

I have never been told that I have an accent, well that is not totally true. When I speak Hebrew it is very much an American accent.

But I do live in Los Angeles so I suppose that you could say that it is Californian. Audioblogging is really simple, Google audioblogger and it will walk you through the process.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .