Penn Scolds "South Park" Brain Trust

"Sean Penn has a message for the creators of South Park: Voting is cool, and you are not.

The Oscar-winning actor penned a scathing letter Wednesday to the 'toon's brain trust, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the contents of which were revealed Friday on the Drudge Report.

While the accuracy of the missive have not been verified by the Penn camp, the words sound like vintage Penn, who is apparently steamed over comments Stone made in Rolling Stone about voting. Stone said, "If you don't know what you're talking about, there's no shame in not voting."

What did he really expect from these guys? Look at what they are producing, it is not Masterpiece Theater. Beyond that, there is some truth to what Stone said about voting.

More on this in a new post.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .