Why Random Thoughts matter also known as what this blog is or isn't

I received some feedback from some posters who want to know what this Blog is all about. Is it personal, political or religious? Are the feelings in here contagious, can it be used for college credit etc.

The answer is that this place is just like the name says, Random Thoughts. It is a kind of stream-of-consciousness what catches my fancy at the moment kind of thing. My profile is an accurate if incomplete representation of my interests.

So you will find a diversity among my posts that cover anything and everything. I enjoy the interaction and hope that we can find ways to learn and grow from each other. I know that sounds hokey, but I do not believe that you should ever stop trying to learn about the world and yourself. The views you hold today may very well evolve over time and probably should evolve.

If you think about how life experience changes you it only makes sense that you would see that things that were once important are less so and some things that were not are suddenly of paramount importance.

Anyway, regardless of whether anyone enjoys reading this I am enjoying the experience and will continue this until it no longer makes sense to do so anymore.

1 comment:

Pandora said...

I don't believe it sounds hokey that anyone should want to learn and grow from one another. I look back on my life and realize how much I have changed and also realize how much I will change in the future.

I enjoy reading your blog...it is quite interesting.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .