What happened to the weekend.

I am taking a momentary break from trying to explain to executives why they should spend their advertising dollars with my publications to remark upon the upcoming weekend and return of the school year.

September is a hard month for me. I find the end of Summer to be disappointing, I always have. Summer is when I feel most alive. I live for days in which I can feel the sun beating down on my back. Memories of the park and metal slides that were so hot your legs were branded, bike rides, the beach, camp, Summer love and all that other stuff just make it my favorite time of year.

And even though I haven't had a real Summer break or vacation in years there is something about the end that just bothers me. It helps to explain why I love living in California, it just feels right. I am not a guy who likes snow. It is fine for a short visit and then I am tired of it. I could live my life in a tank top and shorts and be happy.

Of course in order to try and live that life one has to work. The problem with working is that I find that I don't have enough time to do the chores/projects I have around the house, let alone handle the ones that my wife prepares for me as well. On a sidenote in my next life I want to come back as either a dwarf or a very wealthy man. Either way I won't be seen as the moving man for everyone.

So this weekend I have to bring the crib in from the garage and assemble it for my daughter, fix the gate on the side, clean the garage, my dresser, go through old clothes, work on the sprinklers, get the car a lube and oil, attend a birthday party for a three year-old, find time for my parents, in-laws and great-grandparents to see my children and probably a half dozen other things that I have forgottent to add.

What happened to the weekend and why can't I get it back. If it wasn't for Shabbos I wonder if we'd slow down at all.

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .