Yahoo! News - Patients Face Long Wait for Colonoscopies

Yahoo! News - Patients Face Long Wait for Colonoscopies: "Patients Face Long Wait for Colonoscopies

Sun Aug 1, 9:24 AM ETAdd Health - AP to My Yahoo!

BOSTON - Recommendations from medical specialists that healthy adults be screened for colon cancer has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people seeking colonoscopies, producing long waits for the test and straining hospital resources.

'The demand is endless and limitless and beyond anyone's expectations,' Dr. William Brugge, director of endoscopy at Massachusetts General Hospital, told the Boston Sunday Globe. The hospital expects to conduct 25,000 colonoscopies and other gastrointestinal imaging procedures in 2004, a 20 percent jump in one year. "


Stacey said...

Colonoscopies are important, esp. for people with a history of GI problems, like IBS. There's no time like the present to take a proactive approach to your health.

Stacey said...

Figures, no comment on this.

Anonymous said...

I could live my whole life and not go through another colonoscopy lol. That nasty phosphosoda stuff was the worse, giving birth was easier and I'm not kidding. I still get nasuated thinking about drinking that stuff. I guess undetected colon cancer would be worse though.

Stacey said...

There is more than one kind of prep. It was a piece of cake for me. I'd take it anyday over childbirth.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .