Web Cam Worm Highlights Seedy Side of Net

"Sophos senior technology consultant Graham Cluley told TechNewsWorld that the worm is highly sophisticated in many ways, including its network-based spread. But the most interesting aspect of the worm, he pointed out, is its ability to grab video and screen shots from infected machines and their Web cams."

What scares me is the thought of what you might see out there. Not everyone looks like a model, bet there are some pretty scary sights.


magz said...

hi! thanks fer peekin at my site... with my very first digital camera it appears my forte is scenery pictures! there's lots more if ya ever feel like browsin in my archives... I dont know how ya found me, but glad ya did! you wouldnt be.... Brian's friend, would ya? well, come back anytime, and i;ll do the same. you have a well thought out well written blog goin here! regards, maggie b

Jack Steiner said...

I am not Bryan's friend, but I did see your comments on his Blog and that led me to yours. Thanks for the compliment, I liked your blog too.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .