More personality tests- Whatleader are you and what classic movie

You like power because it increases your sexual options. You are JFK. You are a thrill seeker by nature and don't shy away from risky behavior.

You are Raiders of the Lost Ark. You live for adventure, fortune hunting and danger.

I can live with these. Don't know if they are meaningful, but I'll take it.


Stacey said...

You are an emaciated do-gooder. You are Gandhi. Morals matter to you and you like to lead by example. Perfection is important to you.

Stacey said...

You are Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Determining and doing the right thing is the foundation of your personality.

(That sounds quite boring)!

Jack Steiner said...

I like mine better, not so bland and boring. ;)

Jack Steiner said...

It would be nice to be able to edit these.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .