The Amazing Race

I don't know about you, but this is one of my favorite shows. I enjoy seeing all the places around the world and the game is just fun. I'd certainly consider playing.


Jack Steiner said...

They make me crazy too. Could the older one try any harder to hit on Phil. Good grief, they are irritating.

Stacey said...

Kse, I agree with you. They are sooooo annoying. My favorites are Chip and Tim. So glad they pulled into #1 last week. Can't wait for tonight.

Jack, I love the new look of the blog.

Stacey said...

Oops, I meant Chip and Kim. (I grew up next door to brothers who were named Chip and Tim, so I have a total brain fart about it). :)

Anonymous said...

I really like this show too. I watched tonights episode after missing the last two weeks. I like the little person but her cousin is very annoying. She never gives up and you have to admit things are harder for her. I liked tonights show, I have been to eygpt myself and it looks totally different in person. It was one of the most amazing places I've been though and I had always wanted to see the pyramids.

Jack Steiner said...

The cousins drive me nuts. I have been to the border of Egypt and Israel several times, but never quite made it officially into Egypt. I plan on going one day.

Stacey said...

Not so keen on Egypt (can't help it -- I look at those pyramids and think of the Jewish slave labor that built them), but I would love to go to Russia. The Hermitage Museum was exquisite. Would have loved to have gotten lost inside of it for a few hours.

Funniest line last night was when Marshall yelled at Lance to quit looking at the camels.

Jack Steiner said...

The Hermitage does look pretty cool. Still like Chip and Kim. The brothers are are beginning to grow on me.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .