Yahoo! News - Priest and nun convicted after car romp

The headline here caught my eye. It is just too funny not to post, how absurd.


Jack Steiner said...

I am surprised that no one made any remarks here. It is just so inviting.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack my first time posting here.

I hope Shadow doesn't read this story. When I post any story about Priests I'm blasted. Hey if they would leave the kids, and Nuns alone I wouldn't have anything to post.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Tim,

I'll keep that in mind. I guess that I need to slam Jersey in one of these posts so that more people will feel like they have come home, ;)

Stacey said...

Tim, what took you so damn long to get here? Must have been held up in the speed trap in New Rome, OH -- eh?

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .