Political Conventions

They bore me, plain and simple. It doesn't matter who the party is, they are essentially all the same. "We're better than them and if you elect us we'll show you" followed by cheers from people who already support them. Talk about preaching to the choir.

Now if you had Kerry address the Republicans and Bush address the Dems and then we heard cheers I might be impressed.


Anonymous said...

I tried to watch, but after seeing Al Gore speak on night 1 (who I actually voted for), I couldn't take it anymore. Just a bunch of rah, rah crapola. Where's the beef?

Jack Steiner said...

That is the problem with the conventions, the candidates preach to the choir so you end up with little in the way of substance.

Jack Steiner said...

Hi Judy,

I don't mind people posting interesting pieces. I still disagree with Maher. The conventions are only mildly interesting because they tend not to deal with specific details. Just comments about who is going to be better. I don't want that, tell me how you'll improve things.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .