The new addition

There is a brand new baby living in Jack's Shack.

She arrived on July 23rd at 11:38.  8.9 pounds and 21 inches in length. I am too tired to write more now.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your daughter !
She's a big girl !!

What have you named her ?

Yes I know this is supposed to be anonymous, but I didn't want to register etc..


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jack and family!

What's her name?


Anonymous said...

Mazal tov and Baby Girl Benimble.

P.S. The MP sucks without you.

-Your favorite Clevelander

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jack and wife. Let us know what you are naming her. Hope you got some rest yesterday as that will be the last sleep for the next 18 years or so LOL
Take Care

Sparky said...

Congrats on the birth of your second child. Mazel tov, as they say. Another commenter expressed the hope that you would be able to get some rest now. But, we both know that won't happen for quite awhile. :)

Although you and I went through a phase of animosity on the MP, I encouraged Jeff to not ban you over the Sweetcheeks episode. I thought that anybody with half a brain could have figured out that it was somebody just trying to stir the pot and they should have ignored it.

And, while obviously, we don't see eye to eye on many things, your snappy repartee (not sure if that's spelled right) was always interesting.

The board will be a much more boring place without you on it. I think the degeneration started with the threads of a couple of months ago in which several "friends" ended up destroying each other -- well, they took the board with them. I realized then that nobody on the board could be trusted and have tried to lessen my participation in it. Not always successfully.

Back to the more important news -- again, congratulations on the baby girl!!

Jack Steiner said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I reallly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new baby girl. The MP will be a little boring without you but at least you will get plenty of time to spend with the new baby. Good Luck and have a great day. SelenaJean

p.s. what did you name her? Inquiring minds want to know lol

Anonymous said...

congrats!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Jack, I read on the MP that you just had a baby girl! Congratulations. I'm sorry to hear you were banned. I voted against the banning, but in the end, it seems our wishes didn't count (not really sure why Jeff asked, if that was the case). Anyways, you'll be busy with the little one and hopefully the ban won't last too long (Jeff said it was temporary). Why not write to him and work something out.

Jack Steiner said...

Again, thanks to all of you, I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on the arrival of your daughter. Although we have had our differences I am against you (and Christian) being banned from the BB. The place is pretty much dead now so you aren't missing a thing!!


Jack Steiner said...

Thank you all for your kind words, I really appreciate it. We are running around in circles here, just overtired and worn out.

It has been quite some time since I have been this tired, but we'll survive and the board will do just fine without me. :)

Feel free to poke your heads in here. At Jack's Shack we like to think of this place as being a virtual oasis. Warm sandy beaches and beautiful clear waters.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .