MSNBC - Meet the Eye Cam

MSNBC - Meet the Eye Cam: "Meet the Eye Cam
Processed reflections from the cornea can make hindsight a reality
Eye spy: This corneal reflection shows that the person is facing two people but only looking at the one on the right"

Very interesting stuff. It is amazing what they can do now, and kind of scary to think of what could be done.


Anonymous said...

Truly amazing. We are living in exciting times. Too bad we can't look a few hundred years into the future.

Jack Steiner said...

Why a 100 years, why not 15. Things will change enough for us to experience them.

Anonymous said...

Because math whiz, things will have changed substantially more in 100 years. How I wish I could experience it all.

Jack Steiner said...

That is rather speculative. There may not be the exponential change you think in the 85 years you ask for.

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it, but you could be right. The change could be linear or logarithmic. Not bad, Jacko.

Jack Steiner said...

You'll catch up, one day. Or maybe you won't.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I'm already 10 steps ahead....

Jack Steiner said...

10 steps ahead most people in Cleveland which means that you are behind almost everyone else.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .