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Anonymous said...

It's been a loooonngg time since I've changed a diaper.
I thought those days would never end, and now they are long gone.

I know that when my boys were babies, diapers were quite expensive. I shudder to think what they must cost these days, that and formula.

BTW.. Jack, you still won't tell us what you named her , will you ??


Jack Steiner said...

Here name begins with an E and ends with an R. ;)

Anonymous said...

Esther ??? Eleanor ???

Jack Steiner said...

That is getting close, but still no cigar.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to think of names that begin with E and end with R, and I have to say , there aren't any more that I can think of. Maybe it's a name I'm not familiar with ?

Guess I'll just refer to her as "ER".


Marty said...

Not that he is going to (or should) tell us - but I'm curious, too. Ember? There just aren't a whole lot of E____r girls' names out there. Unless you are particularly cruel and have named her Elmer. Eleazar? That's a boys' name, right? Anyway, I wish you well with your new daughter, Jack. Even changing diapers is precious.

Jack Steiner said...

You can call her Em. She is lying on my shoulder now, so cute. :)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .