Yahoo! News - Politicians tell men to have more sex

Now I can get behind these politicians in a heartbeat. ;) Of course here in the prude US of A this would likely never happen.


Anonymous said...

I finally realize what your problem is ... not enough sex. That explains a lot of the frustration you seem to need to vent in places where it doesn't belong.

Jack Steiner said...

Careful now, this post makes it appear that you may have hurt yourself trying to think. Brain strain can be hazardous to your health. Be a doll and find a nice toy to play with. :)

Anonymous said...


You are a nasty angry man.

Jack Steiner said...

Nasty angry man, moi. And I didn't think that you cared. The best part is that you took the time to read my Blog this morning and then you returned in the evening.

If you send me a cheque I'll let you be president of the Jack's Shack fan club. Your first official duty is to clean out my used condoms with your tongue. Bon Appetit. ;)

Anonymous said...

My pleasure.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .