Founded by Soccer Dad, Haveil Havalim is a carnival of Jewish blogs -- a weekly collection of Jewish & Israeli blog highlights, tidbits and points of interest collected from blogs all around the world. It's hosted by different bloggers each week and coordinated by Jack. The term 'Haveil Havalim,' which means "Vanity of Vanities," is from Qoheleth, (Ecclesiastes) which was written by King Solomon. King Solomon built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other 'excesses' and realized that it was nothing but 'hevel,' or in English, 'vanity.'
Hello and welcome to Haveil Havalim #226, the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince edition. This is a different sort of edition for me. I hadn't intended on doing it, but a change came up at the last minute and I found myself standing in the on deck circle.
I had several ideas for what I wanted to do with it, but it just didn't work out that way. So my apologies because this isn't up to my normal standards. Anyway, if I can find time I'll update this a few times and try to give it a little more spit and polish.
And in response to some reader emails here are some links to some of the music that I listened to while constructing this. Please be advised that some of these videos are adult in nature. I didn't have time to go searching for clean versions, so do what you will with it.
Mansions of the Lord
It Was a Very Good Year- Frank Sinatra
I Gotta Feeling- Black Eyed Peas
King Without a Crown- Matisyahu
You're Gonna Miss This- Trace Adkins
Come Back- Moshav
If this is your first time here, welcome. You'll find almost seven thousand posts about life, parenting, politics, Judaism and more. Links to some of my favorite posts can be found on the right hand side of the page.
And now on to our carnival:
Many people are questioning some of President Obama's policies. You can read about some of that at The case against Obama.
Seraphic Secret reminisces about a man from his youth who would scream about and the end of the world and those who do it now in Apocalypse Now and Then.
The Muqata reports about Washington and Israeli Ambassador in Michael Oren hold his ground.
Avi Green presents DC becomes Dhimmi Comics posted at The Four Color Media Monitor.
At the Rubin Reports take a look at A brief guide to the differences between Palestinian Authority, Syrian, and Iranian Strategies toward the West.
While you are there you might be interested in reading The Obama Ideology and World Affairs Part I, II andIII.
Yaacov Lozowick has a must read piece entitled Complicated Afghanistan and Just War. Daled Amos shared Israeli Settlements: Olmert vs. Obama.
Yourish covered Obama ups the ante on “settlements”
I really enjoyed reading Nostalgia Sunday – Asimonim, maybe because I still carry one on my keychain.
Israelity also sent in the descriptive post, Tel Aviv’s Sh*t Mountain Gets A Green Light for Environmental Remediation.
And in technology news you can read Just another ghost in the Wall, a new Internet startup G.ho.st, launched last night by an Israeli entrepreneur and Palestinian software developers.
Batya said I Could Never Understand The Mentality.
Cosmic X relates a number of news stories in his post Truth Sprouts From the Land!
The Occidental Israeli discusses the Haredim and says thatTerrorism Pays. Agree or disagree? Go read it and let him know. Ask Lady Light about Civil Strife in Jerusalem: Protesting a Parking Lot.
Child Ish thinks much of it has to do with boredom.
Tel Chai Nation blogged about the impact of the Gaza war with British Antisemitism in Britain stops arms exports to Israel. Yourish covered it also in The U.K. Israeli arms embargo: Hypocrisy defined.
And let's not forget the marriage proposal that Meryl included in Thursday Snark News.
Jewschool covered Gaza Soldier Testimonials.
Soccerdad sent over a link I had missed Breaking the Silence: More Rumor & Hearsay. Daled Amos shared Again, The Media Jumps On Questionable Report Of Israeli War Crimes (Updated)
Dave shared A Video Postcard from Hell: The Gaza War Up Close and Personal
Over at My Right Word I had to read about the Erotics of the Occupation twice because I just couldn't believe it.
Our friend and long time blogger the Elder has The transcript of the "plot to assassinate Arafat" and the story about Hamas belief that they will acquire a WMD within 20 years. Now what nation of non Arabs who are descendants of Cyrus might say that.
Back at My Right Word there are beautiful pictures of the Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue in Jerusalem and don't forget to read Tourism in Tuscany, Sorry, Make That Binyamin.
My friend Snoopy and co-blogger writes about the mishegahs surrounding road signs in Minister Yisrael Katz, road signs and Zionism. Eric wrote about it as well in Battle of the Signs in Israeli Cities.
In between rooting for the Bruins Ben Yehudah keeps a fine blog in which he writes about many things. One of his recent topics covered the protests, go read The Other Story: Israeli Leftist Rags And Feminazis.
At The Muqata you should read Israel's High Court Targets Widow and Orphans of Fallen IDF War Hero.
Here is An interesting perspective on why the Palestinians keep saying no to peace deals. And then again there are posts that illuminate A senseless and irresponsible provocation.
Don't forget to read Religion and State in Israel - July 13, 2009 (Sections 1 and 2) Ben Yehudah discusses an ad right here.
From Solomonia What Olmert Offered Abbas.

I am not sure if there are topics that are more important than protecting children. Chabad offers Responding to Child Predators in the Jewish Community.
A good philosophical discussion can be found in the questions of Isn't it Enough to Just Believe? - What Does Judaism Think?
From Chabad we have Lightning Doesn't Strike the Same Place Twice
Divine Providence Does!
Questions, questions, questions, Is the Ran an apikores, by his own definition?
Don't forget to read part two.
Lion of Zion brings up the question of Calling a Sinner for an Aliyah.
From the Real Shaliach we have Say it ain't so!
Ever wonder about how Jews said Kiddush during prohibition? You might enjoy reading this next piece called Booze and Jews: Some fun American-Jewish history ephemera .
One day Donald Trump may be at a bris for his grandson, maybe. Read more at Mazel tov to the newest Jew - Ivanka Trump.
At Schvach you can read Eishes Chayil, that discusses Jewish Women. Child Ish thinks that many Orthodox Jews haven't spent time thinking about why they believe what they believe. For more on this read Kiruv: Answering the hard questions.
From the Velveteen Rabbi This week's Torah poem looks at the slaughter of the Midianites through the lens of the newly-released Breaking the Silence report about IDF behavior in Gaza.
The Rebbetzin's Husband provides valuable information with How to attract people to your shul. Over at Ilana Davita there is a very interesting guest post by Shimshonit about her Judaism. Go read it.
Schvach's post The Conflicting Demands of Life is definitely worth a read.
In The Pink has what I consider to be a ridiculous invention, a Tefillin sweater. Twenty seven years of laying Tefillin and I have never had a problem rolling up the sleeve. In fact if you buy one I want to speak with you about loaning me $50.
Prof K's post gives food for thought. Go read The Things That Bring Us Happiness...Not
Use this link to Tweet your prayers at The Kotel. Or you can go here and ask someone to daven for you at the Kotel for 40 days.
I am a bit of a rabble rouser. Correction, I am big rabble rouser. I am often the fly in your ointment, the guy who will press your buttons. So why am I sharing this, well because I almost didn't include a few posts from Frum Satire.
Let me be clear, I think that Hesh is a good guy and well meaning. But he intentionally writes posts that stir up a hornet's nest. I know this because I have commented there and been assaulted by a number of the other commenters.
I mention this because I think that some of his commenters are troglodytes that wear Borsalinos and think that halacha says that you can beat a woman for not sitting in the back of the bus.
Anyway, I do not include Hesh as part of that crowd. And now that he has received a ton of press I am not going to include separate posts. You have the link to his blog. Go spend some time reading there. Not every post is controversial.
All the really cool blogs started roughly five years ago, just ask Jewlicious.
A Simple Jew is another one of the old time bloggers. He is among the first bloggers that I read and interacted with. Go take a look at "You Seem To Have Removed Yourself From Your Blog."
What happens when you are almost 30 and you have a list of things to do.
The Real Shaliach has Some important questions. Will someone please ask Mottel to move. I have been blogging here for more than five years now. ;)
The Rebbetzin's Husband reflects upon the impact of being a parent in Changed by a decade of Parenting.
Take a look at some nice photos at I really should get a tripod.
This is the sort of problem I miss having. Go read A hard day [camp] night and Israeli teenagers - 1; Anglo parents - 0.
Apparently there is a new King of All Media. When you are through with that you can read On Tops and Tales because it is all about the people.
There is something very nice about passing on traditions. Home shuling blogged about bedtime issues.
When I read the next title I instantly thought about my post A Bad Case of Stupid Seems To Be Going Around to be clear there is no similarity other than title, which is why you should read We're Not Immune to Stupid Just Because We're Jewish
The Sandman shared Hypochondria by Proxy.
Batya has been enjoying the fruits of politics. You can learn more by reading It Has Returned. Gila needs a Couch.
If you want a shot at winning some free Tupperware click here. Before you finish reading go wish Rabbi Fink a Happy Birthday.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: haveil havalim, blog carnival.
Thanks Jack for the link to my blog and the hard work.
Thanks - my link is up!
Great job!
Thanks for including my links, too, as well as the teaser video.
I'm jealous I haven't seen it yet.
Haveil Havalim #226 Is Up!
I don't like Harry Potter, but... I like your Havel Havelim.
ps I was hoping you'd include the shidduch search I had submitted.
Extra super! Thanks for reading me twice ;->)
Great job.
oh - and I understand that you didn't have time to include this: http://atimeofthesigns.blogspot.com/2009/07/such-sweetie-really.html
lo nora :)
Great job, Jack, and thanks for including my post.
Best and cheers.
Thanks for the shoutout and speaking of that Black Eyed Peas song, does anyone else think it's odd they say "mazal tov" and "l'chaim" in the lyrics???
thanks for the link...great job as usual.
Kol hakavod! Excellent job, and thanks for the links.
Thanks for the great post Jack, and for the links to my stuff. In the Pink's piece about the T-sweater is hysterical, so I posted a comment about the possible desirability of
a T-sports jacket.
Thanks for the inclusion Jack.
Thanks for the link Jack.
I get the feeling from what you wrote that you were a bit harried & stressed with 'last minute-itis' when you had to work on this HH; it's fine, no worries--and thank you for linking one of my submissions; the second one I can't find; maybe you forgot to post it? It was about From Time Immemorial, part V?' Here it is.
Oops. Thought I linked that. Here it is, here, again:
Hi ID,
My pleasure.
Thank you.
The movie was great.
Last minute hosting has its challenges.
Thank you for contributing.
Thank you.
It is strange. EOZ blogged about it.
Keep your boys rolling up their sleeves or they may need a sweater. ;)
Mrs. S.
I want to be tired from camp. ;)
I still remain your humble servant.
Thank you.
Thank you too.
It was a rough and tumble affair.
Jack, as always a great job.
I figured it's time I started submitting again, but when I went to the submission form, it didn't have anyone up for the 26th. Do I submit anyway?
Hi Baila,
Just realized that I forgot to reply, sorry about that. If you happen to see this, yes submit anyway.
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