Live Like You Were Dying

I really like this song. I appreciate the sentiments for so many reasons.

He said I was in my early forties with a lot of life before me

when a moment came that stopped me on a dime

and I spent most of the next dayslooking at the x-rays

Talking bout the options and talking bout sweet time

I asked him when it sank in that this might really be the real end

how's it hit you when you get that kinda news man what'd you do

and he said
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying.

He said I was finally the husband
that most the time I wasn't
and I became a friend a friend would like to have
and all the sudden going fishin
wasn't such an imposition
and I went three times that year I lost my dad
well I finally read the good book
and I took a good long hard look
at what I'd do if I could do it all again

and then
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.

Like tomorrow was a gift and you got eternity to think about
what'd you do with it
what did you do with it
what did I do with it
what would I do with it'

Sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu
and then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I watched an eagle as it was flying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying
To live like you were dying
Tim McGraw


Anonymous said...

i've been listening to country musci way more since we moved to montana... this is a GREAT song... we oughta actually live our lives more that way

gp in montana

Ezzie said...

Great stuff. This is what they listen to in places like Cleveland and Dallas. :)

Jack Steiner said...


We should live our lives that way.


What do you think Stacey and I listen to when we're tooling around Dallas.

rutimizrachi said...

The movie "The Bucket List" does a similar thing for me.

It's good to be reminded of what we have in this life for which to be grateful. Thank you.

I appreciated your post for two other small reasons. It is interesting, when the lyrics are typed out in a centered format, how each verse seems to be an arrow pointing up. Another elevating reminder...

And while I was listening to the YouTube link, my husband came out, misty-eyed, and asked, "What is my Ruti thinking about today?" Thanks for a very precious moment with my Old Bear, the true country-music listener in our home.

Jack Steiner said...

It is interesting, when the lyrics are typed out in a centered format, how each verse seems to be an arrow pointing up. Another elevating reminder...

I hadn't really noticed that. I was just trying to make it easier to kind of follow the flow of the song. I have heard good things about the Bucket List, but haven't seen it yet. Glad to hear that you had a nice moment with the Old Bear.

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

See, and I hate this song. I remember the first time I heard it. I was like "really? seriously?"

I guess I prefer to live like I were living. :)

Gila said...

I just posted that song on my blog too--and stole it from another blogger. Seems like Tim McGraw is conquering the blogosphere.

Great GREAT song. :)

Richmond said...

One of my faves as well... Great song and dang fine advice.

Jack Steiner said...

I was like "really? seriously?"

To each their own.


He has some good stuff.


That is why it resonates with me. It is real advice that is not totally cheesy.

One Wink at a Time said...

Upon reading these lyrics, my first thought was "I hope Jack has seen The Bucket List..." and was pleased to see another reader with the same thoughts. Yes, Jack. If this song rings true with you, you'll really appreciate the movie.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .