Haveil Havalim #168- The Celtics Must Lose Edition!

Welcome to Haveil Havalim #168- The Celtics Must Lose Edition! We have a couple of orders of business to attend to before we begin:

Here are clips from the last two times The Lakers destroyed the hated ones in the championship: 1985, 1987.

More important than basketball, let's wish Ezzie and Serach a hearty Mazal Tov on their daughter's birth.

One more thing to mention. As I was working on this I stumbled across old edition of H.H. from two years ago, called Haveil Havalim #72- Handed Down From the Mountaintop. Take a look at it and let me know if you agree that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

And now onto the carnival.


Treppenwitz did the normal Yom Yerushalayim post, but there is really nothing normal about it. Smooth Stone wrote about it as well with Jerusalem Day: Monday, June 2.

Jerusalemite has 31 facts for 41 years. The Unpacked Blog had a Happy Jerusalem Day! Heichal HaNegina shared REB SHLOMO’S JERUSALEM MESSAGE.

Me-Ander shared her Yom Yerushalayim experience, or should I say transportation challenge. Irina made it to the parade too.

Leora and the Scouts Marched for Israel.

he Jblogosphere had a float in the parade too. Israellycool covered the NY Israel Day Parade Photos: Terror Supporters Inc.

Zombietime has pictures from the 2008 Israel in The Gardens event.

You can watch Rav Elon on Yom Yeroushalaim Tish.

Rafi discussed another important event Today is Hebron Day (video).

From the Elder we see Arabs freak over a logo change.

Solomonia had A very short cross-country trip. Gail shared Remembering the Hatuels.

Yid with Lid blogged about The Source of Ahmadinejad's Fanaticism. The Israel Situation wonders aloud Prime Minister Livni?

Ben Chorin says that Olmert will be brought down by the Knesset, not the justice system.

From the Augean Stables we received Help for the Drowning: Derfner Wrestles with the Data.

On my blog I covered More Christians join Birthright.

The Big Felafel has a solution for apartment hunting. Mom in Israel found A clean city with lots of shoe stores.

Baila has A Pet Peeve that would irk me as well. Frume Sarah discussed an issue that concerns many people in Calling it like I see it…

Planet Israel offered Golan 2: Flowers in the Jordan Valley.

You can never have enough joy in your life, read Shepping (and sipping) Nachas.

Here is A list of 60 things that Benji loves about Israel. Or perhaps you'd enjoy reading A Lovely Story.

Ari shared Why I Moved to Israel. The Waffle King is starting a manhunt.

Oleh Girl takes issue with some of the meshugehnehs in the holy land in oh the lovely swish and whir, and let’s give Beitar illit to Gaza.

Over at IJN you can read Recreating Creation? Israeli Scientists Probe the Big Bang with a Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Kung Fu Jew offered Revisiting Israel and a return to the conflict inside. Leah in Chicago is heading back to Israel.

Jihadwatch reports Chief Palestinian negotiator: if talks fail, we'll just take it all. Carl covers it too with Abu Ala: 'Give us what we want or we'll have a one state final solution.

My Right Word wants you to know that There's a "Contract" Out.

Check out a Typical Israeli supermarket conversation.

Speaking of conversations Balashon continues to investigate and explore the etymology of words such as derash.

Rabbi Daniel Gordis wrote When Zionism Was About Ideas.


The Rebbetzin's Husband says The Feathers Make the Bird. At Presence R. Heinemann Stands By "Sabbath Mode" Ovens.

From Ezzie we learn Don't Compliment Dates. Climate of Change provided Changing the World, One Multinational at a Time.

The Whited Sepulchre shared: John Hagee, Jews, Hitler, Zionism, Theodor Herzl, Israel, and The Holocaust are now a bigger problem than Jeremiah Wright.

In the Pink asks Is gender equality right? For Imshin it was The last straw (updated).

From ProfK, Big Business, Meet Shidduchim. The Green Prophet shared Green Shavuot Activities (Because You’re Gonna Need a Break From All That Cheese).

Apparently Kermit was wrong, it is easy to be green. Read more about it at A Green Shavuot.

The Ima wrote about Celebrating Shavuot. Daled Amos offered YU Shavuot To-Go 5768.

Soccer Dad tipped me off to Shavuot 5768 on Flickr - Photo Sharing! Leora blogged Ruth: Bitterness to Hope.

From Tzvee we have The Diaspora is Dead: We Demand One Day of Yontiff!

The Velveteen Rabbi says This week's Torah portion poem arises out of parashat Naso. Cosmic X took on the Conversion Crisis.

Emes and Emuna offered A Shavuous Message from a Convert and a post that discusses Lubavitch Messianism.

Sixty six years ago the world began to hear about the evils of the Holocaust.

Batya says Sounds Like The Olde Time "Stevie Wonder" and she wonders about The Gaza Belt.

Everyone Needs Therapy could have written that everyone needs Cholent, but that wouldn't begin to cover all the good stuff in that post.

Tzipiyah discussed Xenophobia. A Simple Jew is Consistently One.

The Seforim Blog wrote Shavuah ha-Sefer 2008: A Recommended Reading List.

The JIDF discussed one of my favorite movies with Jewish themes in The Blues Brothers *updated.

Barbara wrote about Religion And The Brain. You might want to check out Anti-Semitism in Westhampton Beach.

Just when you thought that there are no new ways to reinvent American Idol comes Haredi Idol, hat tip to Blog in DM.

Over at Jews By Choice you can read/listen to Audio: The Spiritual Audacity of Abraham Joshua Heschel.

Jewess has the scoop about an unusual government appointee Bahrainian Jewess Appointed U.S. Ambassador.

Yo Yenta has Two Smokin’ Yentas for you to read about.

The Jewish Channel doesn't take any short cuts with Circumcise Me.


I*Consult tipped me off to the Robert Kennedy and Israel blog.

From DA we have June 5: The Anniversary Of The First Act Of Palestinian Terrorism Against The US.

Althouse shared "Senator Robert Francis Kennedy died at 1:44 A.M. today, June 6, 1968."

Shira has her own post called Drop Upon Drop.

Seraphic Secret wrote Democratic Politics: The Haunted and Oil Prices. I should add that Oil Prices contains an interesting tip about a company that may have a solution to the oil crisis.

The Grass is "Greener" on our side opined Oil "Super Spike" to reach $200...

Israpundit wrote Obama stuns AIPAC. What a reversal on everything. Boker Tov Boulder covered this with Obama & The Israel Lobby. Daled Amos has Obama At AIPAC (Updated).

JA says at long last It's Really Happening. Jill has her own roundup of links with Obama and The Jews Flotsam and Jetsam: JTA round-up.

Joshuapundit blogged Obama's About Face On Israel. Bookworm covered Israel, Jews and Obama.

Carl shared Obama explains how the 'Jewish lobby' works.

Fiery Spirited Zionist wrote Waging Soft Jihad in America's Schools. From Meryl we have State Dept. clueless on terrorism.

Ellie's title Outrage! is absolutely appropriate.

From It is Almost Supernatural South Africa's Refugee Crisis Up-Close.

YID With LID says The UN Has Officially Declared War Against Jewish Organizations. Friar Yid is Closing the book on Hagee.

Sigmund, Carl and Alfred reports on Islamist Mayhem In London. Gates of Vienna discussed Iran’s Eastern Flank.


Dean's World has an interesting post called The Blogosphere: Howzit Going?

The Holy Hyrax offers the definition of a Geek. Trep engages in Questionable moments in parenting.

Snoopy had Just another day in the office. Don't tell anyone about my secret.

Rav Fleischmann comes up with some posts that I really enjoy. Mochassid has become more than a blogger, he is a reference point.

Do you need a Father's Day gift? Try clicking here. Dad Gone Mad is a fellow Laker fan. Check out I Believed In Magic.

EOZ has the latest on Saudi Vice, episode 16: The blasphemous barbers. Raizy is making Simple Dinners.

Life of Rubin has a celebrity fan. RivkA is a bookaholic. And now for a Six Word Memoir.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of haveil havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Want to host or have questions? Email me at talktojacknow at sbcglobal dot net

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Cosmic X said...

Great job Jack and thanks for the link.

I have an important sequel to the Conversion Crisis post. Read it here.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the post and thanks for the link love... Everyone needs a typical Israeli supermarket conversation once in a while...

Leora said...

Go Celtics.

And thanks for the the links and a great job.
(Since you were nice enough to add my Ruth link, I just want to mention Ilana-Davita's Ruth link Shavuot for Today. We worked together).

Oxmyx said...

Great job, Jack! But may I refresh your memory with this video?


YMedad said...


Good job and Chag Sameach from someone who isn't here - but may yet appear in a future collection.

Baila said...

Thanks for the link...as always great job.

Anonymous said...

Another great carnival :)

Esser Agaroth said...

B"H I'm surprised to find myself hee, but that's cool.


Hag Sam'eah!

HH #169

Esser Agaroth said...


Oh, yeah, and please check out Tomer Devorah for the latest on Christian missionaries in Israel.

I forgot to submit it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the mention!

Jewish Atheist said...

Great job as always, and thanks!

Anonymous said...

fantastic job, as usual. thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

You have a sexy voice.

Smooth said...

What a roundup, it's wonderful. Thanks for the link, Jack, I appreciate it.

Jack Steiner said...


Thanks. I'll check it out.


It is good to get a little flavor of Life in Israel.


Poor woman, abused into believing that the evil ones are good. :)


'84 was bitter, but 85 and 87 made up for it.


You're in here and were before you commented. I usually check your blog out right after I check Batya's.


Thank you.






Thanks for participating, I appreciate it.


You're always solid.


My pleasure.


No, thank you.

Batya said...

jack, really great

Thanks for the links

The back of the hill said...

Celtics? Who cares about the Celtics...... Oranje beat Italy three nil yesterday.

Whoooo, go cheese!

Three nil.

Italy must be feeling pretty sore by now.

Kung Fu Jew 18 said...

Thanks for the link, Jack!

MoChassid said...

Celtics in 6. Sorry

LEL said...

Thanks for the link.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .