
How many people here read PostSecret? It is kind of a cool site. You know you head over there and read the postcards people send in with their deepest and darkest secrets.

Here is my confession. For the past six months I have been part of a team of people scattered around the country that send in fake secrets.

You'd be surprised how hard it is to write these cards. I have developed a formula that seems to work. I'd share it but it wouldn't be a secret any longer.



Shoshana said...

I love PostSecret. And I don't even care if the secrets are fake.

have popcorn will lurk said...

I'm with Shoshana!

Although I find myself hoping that the darker, more painful ones are the fake ones... :(

Irina Tsukerman said...

I always suspected many of those things are fake... Now the real question is: how many, and which ones, are real, and is there any way to know?!

Stacey said...

I LOVE Post Secret. I cannot wait to read it each week.

Sarah Likes Green said...

postsecret makes you wonder about people so it doesn't matter if it's fake or not... you just don't know!

Anonymous said...

I like the site too and truthfully there is something that makes me feel better about my strange little world when I read what terrible things go on in others worlds! That is probably not PC to say out loud but clearly you arent a PC person if you are faking your secrets... it does mean you have an interesting sense of humor! lmao!

Happy end of Hanukkah! Hope 2007 is a great year for ya!


Jack Steiner said...


It is hard work developing all of these secrets.


You never know. ;)




I know why.




Thanks. All the best to you too.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .