HH #155- The Falling Asleep At My Computer Edition

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Hello and welcome to Haveil Havalim #155- The I am Falling Asleep At My Computer Edition. I encourage you to spend some time sifting through the many posts here. There are some very fine writers to read.

Also, please be aware that this will be updated and edited throughout the day so be sure to come back throughout the day.


Samuel Scott linked to Kosher Kitchens.NY's Funniest Rabbi offered Ki Tissa 'Tudes.
EJP presents A Shared Jewish Community and Anti-Semitism 2.0 a.k.a. The Facebook Dilemma

From Wolfish Musings Guest Post: Why Gedolim Fail. I think that I once heard someone mutter Sheitel Shmeitel.

Would you agree or disagree that Retirement is Not a Jewish Concept. Ask the grouchy old bear or better yet read a guest post about Orthodox eating disorders.

Mottel has Jerusalem of my Soul -A Song of Ascents. You never know when you need to know How to alienate more Frum Jews.

From a Simple Jew Question & Answer With Yirmeyahu - Sanzer Chassidus. SuperRaizy has a PSA called Jewish Mother Needs Marrow Donor.

Mottel presents Purim Koton in Thought posted at Letters of Thought. Schvach Yid presents Schvach - פני

Dan presents My Jewish Birthday. Sammy shared Human Rights Watch - MR. MAGOO WANABES.

Lion of Zion asks How Did Jewish Women Know When To Light Shabbat Candles in the 18th C.?
frummy twelvestep presents Egypt and the 12 Steps.

A Simple Jew presents Question & Answer With Rabbi Dovid Sears - Minhagim Under the Magnifying Glass

Baruch Pelta presents New Location for A Response to One Above and Seven Below posted at Orthodox Freelancers Guild.

Steg provided a definition of
Left Wing Modern Orthodoxy. Mother in Israel enjoyed a movie about The Rav.

Shira wrote
An Eye for an Eye. Friar Yid has the answer to More questions.


Batya presents Why Don't They Demand That The Kassams Be Stopped? Yisrael Medad presents Holy Hole! and Now, Where Else Did They Burn Books?

Treppenwitz has Faith in human nature. Sometimes you need Strength vs. "Strength"

Over at Yourish you should read The modern-day Hitler speaks again. The EOZ shared Benny Morris' letter to The Irish Times .

Soccer Dad continues his prolific pace with Confirming the kill and More mor.

Jameel wants to know who is Monopolizing Jerusalem. It is a topic that is being blogged about by many others as well.

Lady Light shared Not Hateful Comments, Just Facts. Arlene in Israel is Standing Strong.

West Bank Mama offered Preparing For the Next War. And from This Ongoing War we receive 1,150 rocket attacks last year; 400 so far this year.

Carl provides the inside scoop on how Rachel Corrie died. Linda wrote about An Absence of Hope. Balabusta in Blue Jeans wrote Haim Smadar.

I always thought a snow day had more snow than you can see at For This? Dry Bones has a post called The Jewish Homeland (1998).

If you don't subscribe to Daniel Gordis' Dispatches I urge you to do so. Go take a look at Back to the Mishnah.

Carl has some advice for Olmert with Israel's 'exit strategy' and 'Defense' against Kassams useless.

Robert J. Avrech presents Home Game posted at Seraphic Secret. Satiricohen shares Israel to Dismantle Army, Foreign Office to Assume Defense of Country.

Lion of Zion had this to say: Mamzer of the Month: Daniel Machover. Gila Weiss presents To Die in Jerusalem, Part I and To Die in Jerusalem, Part II.

Ben-Yehudah presents How Does He Know? and How Does He Know? - part 2.

The waffle king shared the story of Captain Joe. Avrohom adler presents Pigs in the Future.

The Big Felafel says
Another Lesson Learned: Just be a Crybaby. Benji has important information: BREAKING NEWS: Hamas taken over by 7 year-old.

On the Face produced Prime Time Palestinians. At IsReali you can read WSJ Loving Israeli Wine.


At Gates of Vienna the Baron posted If Kosovo Can, Why Can’t Palestine? Ocean Guy knows What We’re Up Against.

Israpundit says Kosovo bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia. The Elder of Ziyon has a post called
Hate taught in British Muslim school .

Judeopundit posted New York Times braces for revenge. At Israel Matzav you can read that
Congress wanted to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Sammy offered Clinton's Church Publishes Anti-Israel Books and The State Department "Ain't Got No Class"

Chana shared some thoughts about Albert Bitton. DA posted Muslims: They Love Obama, They Love Him Not.

Tzvee says Jews Should Support Barack Obama.


Elisson is a proud father.

Frum Satire said
Jewish Facebook: it was only a matter of time. He also provides advice Frumster Marketing: How to get the most out of your profile!

Jacob wants people to stop throwing sheep at him. Ben-Yehudah presents A New Religion?

Shira has "Tax widow's" lament--a CPA's spouse grouses. Zahava presents Choosing to be Frozen. CR has managed to learn another lesson.

Rivka wants to know Breakthrough or breakdown? On my blog I offered She Needs To Know About Boys, The Body Watcher and the The Art of Pretending.

Elie shared
TV Trivia Thursday #12. Pearl says it is Not Open To Discussion.

Maybe Pearl should talk to Therapydoc about Constructive Criticism. Tamara channels folk rock with Where Have All the Honeybees Gone, Long Time Passing.

Sarah wishes that she would learn. Click here to find out what. Aussie Dave has a special request.

A little
Fish babka might do the trick. B2 at Toner Mishap has found a use for SpongeBob that is a bit off of the beaten track.

Interested in doing business, than you might want to read
Blogs Israeli entrepreneurs should know. Want to learn more about the Church of Spock.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Haveil Havalim using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Esser Agaroth said...


Great job. But I'm offended you didn't put up my post about the talking hummingbird that was eaten just before it was going to reveal Woody Allen's secret egg salad recipe.


HH #155

Anonymous said...

Excellent job! I may not sleep tonight with all these links to follow... but still, strong work all around.

Batya said...

Thanks for the hard work.

SuperRaizy said...

Thanks for the link!
Like Mordechai said- You never know where help will come from for the Jewish people (or something like that).

Lady-Light said...

I am honored, and SHOCKED. I never even submitted a post to this Havel Haveilim, having suffered dejection from a rejection (also a poet) for a previously submitted post not used.
Will land in Israel b'ezrat Hashem this Thursday for my son's chatunuh. It would give me great pleasure to hear from some of my fellow bloggers: 052-538-1162 (feel free to 'pass it around' to Jameel, Me'ander, Soccer Dad, AbbaGav, etc.)
Who knows? Maybe,as (paraphrased)in Megilat Esther,וּמִי יוֹדֵעַ--אִם-לְעֵת כָּזֹאת,לַמַּלְכוּת
(-Jack got!)
Thanks for all the work(& for the link!)
Kol tuv,

Lady-Light said...

Ok, so I can't spell Haveil Havalim; I can spell it in Ivrit; do me something.

We're the ones who have to put up with them said...

Great job as always. BTW, you have a great radio voice - every considered a second career? ;-)

YMedad said...

Shkoach. Do I get to be included in your list of charcters now?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your hard work and for including me this week. Now get some sleep!

come running said...

Hey Jack,
Get some rest. Sounds like you need it and deserve it... another job well done.

btw-I'm with Ellie on the radio career

Avromi said...

Thanks for the link and well done!!

Right Truth said...

Wow, makes my Sunday reading list look short. The "Kosovo bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia." caught my eye. Headed over to read it.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Anonymous said...

They're right. You have a great voice!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including my guest post on Dovbear. Nice to know you felt it was worthy of a link.

ProfK said...

Thanks for the link. Perhaps "retiring" to bed might be considered "Jewish" and you might consider getting some sleep.

Jack Steiner said...

Thank you all for your kind words and participation.

LEL said...

There's no way Jews should support obama. Whoever believes that ought to be ashamed of themselves, its disgraceful. This malcontent is connected with the nation of islam, who he has as staffers, not to mention his anti-Israel advisors, amongs so many other things. What is this person thinking?

Anonymous said...

Re "Sammy offered Clinton's Church Publishes Anti-Israel Books and The State Department "Ain't Got No Class""

Hillary's Church is also Bush's Church. They are one and the same. George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton are both methodists.
So how is tghe United Methodist Church just "Hillary's Church" when it is also the Church of our sitting President? WHere is his response?
If obama has to answer for wright, then surely bush should have to answer for his church as they are calling on hillary for? no?

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .