I Have Never Driven In The Snow

I can't remember if I have ever done a post in which I listed some ordinary things that I have never done so I figured I'd come up with kind of a quick list.

1) I have never driven in the snow.
2) I have never walked to or from school in the snow.
3) I have been sledding/inner tubing but never gone skiing.
4) I am not sure if I have ever seen it snow.
5) I have never de-iced my car.
6) I never missed school because of a snow day.

Can you see a theme here. I think that I can probably count the number of times that I have been in the snow on both hands. I am a Summer kind of guy. Give me a t-shirt and shorts and I am happy.

I have been in Toronto and Buffalo during winter. I figure that should count for something, what that thing is I can't say. I even shoveled a little snow, much to the amusement of the people I was staying with.

That crazy Shmata Queen, remember the girl whose blog is on hiatus, claims that I can't handle the cold. But the truth is that I never cared about proving that I could or couldn't. There is a better way to live and she is proof. There is a reason that she has lived more than half her life outside of that rusty old city.


Juggling Frogs said...

Hmmm. We're in Boston today, after yesterday's measly 10" snowfall crippled the city, likely due to mismanagement on the part of multiple government agencies.

The kids' dayschool called it a snowday mid-day yesterday, sending everyone home at 12:30.

School wasn't cancelled this morning, but I told the kids they didn't have to go, since the roads are still quite icy and it's a short Friday.

My son is in highschool and didn't want to miss class, so he opted to go on his own, on foot. The rest of the kids chose to stay home.

This, in the past 24 hours, we've done all of the items on your list (including playing with sleds, but not skiing.)

1) Yesterday afternoon I drove the kids home.
2) Jonathan walked to and (plans to return) from school in the snow.
3) The kids were sledding but not skiing yesterday afternoon.
4) Out our window, all we can see is snow.
5) I don't even want to think about the amount of ice I've chiseled off my car this week.(There was an ice storm a few days ago - black ice everywhere and car looked like a fly in amber.)
6) Official snowday yesterday, unofficial (via Mommy's Pocket Veto) one today.

Have a great day, Jack!
Shabbat Shalom.

Juggling Frogs said...

Typo: "This" in paragraph 5 should be "Thus".

P.S. "I Have Never Driven In The Snow"

Does that makes you pure as the undriven snow? (Sorry.)

Richmond said...

Given that I am headed out now to de-ice the driveway and walks (it's 12 degrees) I must admit I am a bit jealous of your lack of snow experience...

But we are supposed to get more of teh white stuff tomorrow - so prep today is important. **sigh**

cruisin-mom said...

Awwww Jack...I'm with you...give me L.A., with all the smog, traffic, earthquakes, and fires over the snow!

Jack Steiner said...

Hi JF,

Good Shabbos to you too. P.S. Those typos show that we're human, don't they. Thanks for the help. I have to remember to clean it up.


Move somewhere warmer and you too can enjoy paradise.


Some people just don't understand what we have got.

Juggling Frogs said...


I used to feel bad when making typos on blog comments, until it was pointed out to me that the comments are included in search engine algorithms.

Thus, each typo increases the scope of keywords for that blog!

You're welcome.

Sarah Likes Green said...

that could be me writing that list!

guess we are made for warmer climates. although i have seen it snow in NY but it wasn't a lot. never been more cold in my life though.

Jack Steiner said...

Thus, each typo increases the scope of keywords for that blog!

Ah, a silver lining. ;)

guess we are made for warmer climates.


Sheyna said...

I can send you some. We have about 8" right now.


Believe it or not, I left CA for MN. I'm just odd that way.

Jack Steiner said...


I knew a guy who left Salt Lake City for LA for Minnesota. Some people can't handle living in paradise. ;)

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .