What is Truth?

There are few truths in the world. The rest is merely perception of truth. You may often find that your truth is not the same truth as for another.


Anonymous said...

Excellent observation. Too bad too many other's never get that far in their thinking.

haKiruv said...

Truth is when subjective conciousness agrees with objective reality.

Jack Steiner said...


It is just a matter of opening our eyes to other possibilities. I am just as guilty as the next person at missing out on them.

I do like the quote below your comment.

chosha said...

Some truths are objective and others relative. But in spite of the existence of relative truths, a different opinion is sometimes just that - people can't alter truth just by disagreeing with it.

I've heard people say that only those within a culture have the right to judge it. I think that's a crock. Some practices (eg, female genitalia mutilation) are so obviously wrong that they should be judged by anyone with the sense to see things clearly. In some cases those within a culture are more able to judge it, but everyone everywhere has the right to analyse and challenge so-called truths. Real truths, objective or relative, will stand up to scrutiny, and it is only through this process that we will recognise when our perception of truth has been coloured by other factors.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .