Blogging The Days Away

 Blogging the days away probably should be reworked because most of the time I write at night. But there are moments like now where I jump in for a quick post.

This is where I got started and though I don't spend as much time here as I once did it still holds sentimental value.

Sometimes I think about coming here and installing a new template and look to mix things up. But I don't know if that would serve any real purpose or not.

I suppose if it motivated me to update this place more frequently there might be value in that.

July 4, 2023

The fireworks have been going off for hours and the neighbors are having another party so it feels like business as usual here.

Got the usual infighting on Nextdoor about the meaning of the holiday and the related festivities.

Lots of questions where all this is leading and no answers, just ideas.

So for now we celebrate and watch.

Still Good

 I need to revisit this .