Being this busy may keep a guy out of trouble but it doesn't lend itself to doing the things that help a man truly relax.
I'm ready for this stage to end so that I can get back to real life. Besides, it's time to update
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'." — Groucho Marx
Being this busy may keep a guy out of trouble but it doesn't lend itself to doing the things that help a man truly relax.
I'm ready for this stage to end so that I can get back to real life. Besides, it's time to update
The hardest part about some business travel is having to adjust our schedule to a 24 hour time table that is based upon someone else's priority.
It is exacerbated by sleep deprivation and the inability to easily find your own space, but it beats being unemployed... Mostly.
I need to revisit this .