Things You Should Know About Me/Stuff I think About

I like to debate and I like to argue. I like to get the last word, but what does it all matter. I sometimes hold a grudge.

I like Pepsi and I like coke.

When I was a younger man, so much younger than today I never need anyone's help in any way. But I still needed ice cream.

A good pizza, a good beer and a clear summer night- this is the recipe for a good time.

I miss being able to eat with reckless abandon. I miss being able to survive for months at a time on 3 hours sleep. I don't miss being a poor college student.

Tonight I'll sing my songs again
I'll play the game and pretend
But all my words come back to me
In shades of mediocrity
Like emptiness in harmony
I need someone to comfort me

People I would have liked to have met:

King David, Samson, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Shoeless Joe Jackson, David Ben-Gurion, Casey Stengel, Harriet Tubman, Teddy Roosevelt, Ghandi, Winston Churchill, Julius Caesar, Leonardo Davinci, Galileo, Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Benjamin Franklin. There are others.

If I had a hammer there might be a hole in the wall I am staring at.

Three Blind Mice, see how they run. What are the odds of finding three blind mice? What are the odds of finding all three together?

If I could relive a year of my life it would be 1988, or maybe 1985.

If I could go back in time I'd be rich.

If I could still dunk a basketball I still wouldn't be in the NBA.

If I had to pick one movie to watch I might have to poke out my eyes. I don't know if I can do that.

Somewhere in the blog is a comment from The Shmata Queen in which she promised that LeBron would lead the cavs to a championship. Woman, I told you then that he would flee the burning river and he did. Just one of many things I said that came true or will eventually.

I once hit a guy in the head with the bible. It was in a hotel courtesy of The Gideons. I don't know who the hell they are but they do get around.

If life worked out the way that I had planned it would be very different. If like works out the way I want it to- it will be very different.
I hate The Sound of Music.

I hate Elmo- would like to punch that stupid muppet in the mouth.

One day I am going to write a book.

I never will forget those nights
i wonder if it was a dream
remember how you drove me crazy?
remember how i made you scream?

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Still Good

 I need to revisit this .