If I Was a Professional Blogger

When I said that 2010 is going to be the Year of Jack it was because 2009 was in many ways the worst year of my life. It felt a bit like I was slowly being suffocated. I am not afraid of dying, but I prefer something quick and painless, don't we all.

But as my kids say I am 40.5 and part of a family with incredible genes so life is really just beginning for me. That is how I view 2010, the new beginning. Part of that new beginning involved heavy thought about what I want to do on a professional level.  What career path do I want to follow.

In a perfect world I'd play left field for the Dodgers and power forward for the Lakers. In the land of reality I have to adjust those goals somewhat. Walk with me for another moment and I'll tell you some more. I have a BA in Journalism. I was the Editor-in-Chief of my high school and college newspapers. For a while I thought that I was going to be a sports reporter.

It didn't happen. Looking back from my freshman year of college until today I see an interesting path of things that I have done. Here is an incomplete list:
  • Teacher/Youth Director/Youth Advisor/life guard
  • Salesman- sold advertising, copiers, sun glasses, tools for cutting for concrete
  • Dir. of Marketing
  • Writer
  • Construction jobs- Primarily as a project manager but it includes a few other items as well.
  • Information Broker/Business Development/Meshugehneh
I intentionally left off the obvious husband/father type stuff. Looking back it reminds me a bit of a real life version of Chutes and Ladders, but far more complicated. Maybe a spider web version of Chutes and Ladders makes more sense, I don't know.

If I was a professional blogger I'd take all those experiences and tell stories about my life. I'd connect with my readers and do my best to build a community. A community of people who love to come here not because they like reading my tales, but because they like each other. It would be a combination of bar/diner/home and backyard.

You hang out at Jack's because everyone knows your name. You hang out at Jacks' because his story is your story and your story is their story. You hang out at Jack's because you can't believe that idiot still comes by. You know, the one that drives you crazy for whatever reason. Jack's place is real. It is authentic. You don't like everyone, but those people are the exception. The good far outweighs the bad and that makes Jack's place a precious commodity, a refuge you can't do without.

That is the rough draft, just a few sketches I made on a cyber napkin while sitting on my cyber bar stool, or maybe it is a booth, or a hammock. Doesn't really matter.

If was a professional blogger that is sort of how I hope it would be.

I am starting out the year in one place, don't know where I'll be living or what I'll be doing- but it will all be part of the story. If you like adventure stick around and join me, let's see what happens.

2010 is the Year of Jack.


    rutimizrachi said...

    I'm sort of looking forward to sitting inconspicuously at my favorite table near the bar, watching, absorbing, and waiting for the moment when everyone yells "NORM!" You'll recognize me. I'm the bookish little old lady that smiles disconcertingly and gets one genius line a year.

    Open your pub, Jack. I think it will be a right heimish place.

    Otter Thomas said...

    Sounds like fun. Here's to the year of Jack. And if it goes bad we can turn it into the year of Jack and Coke.

    Jack Steiner said...

    Hi Ruti,

    Heimish is the goal. Now, I just have to figure out when and where to open the joint. Stay tuned. ;)


    Jack and Coke is an old favorite. Mr. Daniels and I are old acquaintances from way back when.

    Chris Cactus said...

    Happy Delurking Day!

    Jack Steiner said...

    Hi Rudecactus,

    Happy Delurking to you too.

    sas said...

    the best blogs are the authentic ones. that tell the truth. that you have to return to again and again to find out what happens next.

    i aspire to this too and it's fucking terrifying sometimes :)

    you might enjoy kelly diels.

    Heather at My Coupon Coop said...

    Hi Jack! Sounds like we have similar goals. :) I always like hanging out at your blog. I like you, your writing, and the fact that I never know what you're going to say next.

    2010 will definitely be your best year yet!

    Jack Steiner said...

    Hi Sas,

    I obviously agree with you about the best blogs being authentic ones. It makes such a difference. Thanks for the tip, I'll check out your link.

    Hello Heather,

    Feeling is mutual. FWIW, I don't know what I am going to say next. That is just the joy of being me.

    2010 will certainly be better, but it is going to take some doing.I am optimistic.

    OneZenMom said...

    I always wanted my own personal "Callahan's Place".

    Jack's Place sounds like a similarly cozy place to hang out.

    File this under "small world":

    I have a BA in journalism. I was editor of my high school and college papers. I thought I was going to be a reporter.

    In fact, I was one for a few years. But, then, you know, life and change and all that jazz.

    And now I'm somewhere I didn't expect. And it's pretty great.

    I've come to realize that expectations are, quite often, barriers to happiness.

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. ~ Douglas Adams

    V-Grrrl @ Compost Studios said...

    I used to be much more of a story teller on my blog but then I got stalked and trolled and all that. Now I'm very selective about what I share and how. It's a shame because it was a lot more interesting place to visit when I can fully speak my mind and tell my tales.

    Jack Steiner said...

    I've come to realize that expectations are, quite often, barriers to happiness.

    There is so much truth in that. It has taken me years to try to learn how to manage my expectations.

    On a side note I wonder how many former journalists are out here in the blogosphere If you really love writing, it is a great place.


    I understand and I wish that I didn't. Having had a similar experience I really have changed my approach.

    Sire said...

    You know Jack, creating a community is what blogging is all about, and you only get that by interacting with your readers, something that the probloggers of this world have forgotten. But that's good Jack because it gives us a better chance to grow a real community, one where people love to drop in to say hello.

    Good luck in 2010 mate

    Jack Steiner said...

    Hi Sire,

    You are correct. The interaction between the blogger and their readers is crucial. It is part of what establishes the foundation for the community to interact with each other.

    The mistakes that others make offer opportunity. Best of all to you for 2010 also.

    Ann Imig said...

    With all your blogs and years of experience, you might be the most professional blogger I've encountered.

    Who knows. Maybe the money will follow.

    Thanks for delurking,

    Jack Steiner said...

    Who knows. Maybe the money will follow.

    Ah,I like that idea. Let the money follow me, like the Pied Piper. It would be a nice change of pace. ;)

    Still Good

     I need to revisit this .